Request a meeting with our M&A team

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Please complete the form to confirm your interest in a meeting with the Glass Lewis M&A research team. 

Generally, engagements between our M&A research team and parties of a transaction or contested meetings will take place after public disclosures (filings) are made by the companies and/or shareholders involved, and once reviewed by our research team.  Glass Lewis research is based solely on publicly available information and we cannot include information in our reports that companies do not intend to make generally available.


A little more about us.

Glass Lewis is a trusted ally of the world's leading investors who use our solutions to drive value across all their governance activities. Our clients, including the majority of the world’s largest pension plans, mutual funds, and asset managers, collectively manage more than $40 trillion in assets.

Our teams are located in the United States, Europe, and Asia-Pacific giving us global reach with a local perspective. We cover 30,000+ meetings each year, across 100+ global markets.