Access Glass Lewis’ Global Proxy Season Briefing

Glass Lewis’ 2024 Global Proxy Season Briefing offers early insights into global market trends and key proxy voting patterns. Many of the topics we observed during proxy season are also covered in our 2024 Policy Survey, which we invite you to participate in.
Below are some key takeaways from our briefing:

  • Competition for Listings: Growing competition for listings risks weakening shareholder rights.
  • CEO Pay: While CEO pay was up across North America, Europe and the UK, shareholder opposition to U.S. say-on-pay proposals declined – with both trends particularly pronounced at larger companies.
  • Board Elections: Diverging trends in North America – fewer failed directors in the U.S., more in Canada for the second year in a row – while overall support levels remained strong for Europe’s largest companies.
Please complete the form to download our Global Proxy Season Briefing. 
We will share more of our findings, including details of Glass Lewis’ voting recommendations and analysis, via a series of market-specific Proxy Season Reviews in September and webinars in October.